You Don't Care! I send you all a memo encouraging you to
send in your comments to the over-worked but successful mem-
bers of
your expedition and you send nothing. You don't care,
you just don't care!
Don't you realize that after so hard won a victory a period of
depression would most certainly follow? Don't you know that
these poor devils who have braved the jungle and desert and
who have faced the teeth of all vile adversity, for you, mind
you, now
need to hear from you ?
I don't think you know; I don't think you realize; You Don't
For weeks we've been ensacking the vaunted mushrooms and I'm
using all my powers of persuasion to move the men out toward
the coast with our prize; working furiously, I am, to fulfill
the dreams of all you investors and all that's needed are a
few lousy words of encouragement from you to show them that
you are at least mildly satisfied and you bloody well Don't
Care! (sniff!!)
Well, If you don't care, I don't care.
For those three investors who cared enough to send a little
something let me say that I care about you but, as for you
other ingrates who don't care let me just say: I Don't Care
I don't, I really don't -- Because you don't. When you do
care I may not care either.
I may rot here in the desert then you won't have an Orkie to
kick around anymore, -- who cares, I don't.
Dear Investor,
If you have no thought for our success, if you have no thought
for your money then please think of us poor expeditionaires having
to listen this bleating clot hour after hour, day after day.
Please write.