Official Rules of Ultimate 7th Edition (proposed)Official Rules of Ultimate 7th Edition (proposed) (send comments to Larry Schindel, Ultimate National Coordinator) (1048 No. Daniel Street, Arlington, VA 22201) Ultimate is a fast-moving, competitive, non-contact sport played by two seven-person teams. The sport has a great amount freedom and informality implicit in the rules. Primary among these is the spirit of sportsmanship which enables the honor system to be effective. Ultimate has traditionally been considered an alternative athletic activity. Highly competitive play is encouraged but never at the expense of the bond of mutual respect between players or the basic joy of play. Protection of these vital elements eliminates some type of "sport" behavior from the Ultimate field. Such actions as taunting of opposition players, dangerous aggression, intentional fouling or other "win at all costs" behaviors are fouls against the spirit of the game and should be discouraged by all players. The object of Ultimate us to gain points by scoring goals. The disc may only be passed, and a goal is scored when a player successfully passes the disc to a teammate in the endzone which that team is attacking. The team with the most points at the end of the game is declared the winner. EQUIPMENT The Whammo 165-G is the official disc to be used in tournament play. Individual players may wear almost any aids they wish, including hats, helmets, or gloves as long as they do not endanger the safety of any other player. For example, shoes with cleats are permissible, but ones with sharp spikes are not. No player may carry any sort of stick, bat, or racket. PLAYING FIELD The playing field may have any surface whatsoever including grass, asphalt, sand, snow, or the wood of a gymnasium floor. The main playing field for the official Ultimate game is 60 yards long and 40 yards wide. Both endzones are 40 yards wide and 30 yards deep. The metric conversion is: (unfilled in) If a pass is completed outside the lateral boundary, it is considered incomplete and the defensive team gains possession of the disc. In order to be considered in-bounds, a players must land with both feet inside the lateral boundary line. The sideline itself is out-of-bounds. Should the disc land outside the lateral boundary, it is returned to play on the main polaying field at the point where the disc went out-of-bounds. The player throwing the disc in-bounds must have his pivot foot on the line. OFFICIALS A referee or referees may officiate, and their decision must be final. If no referee is used, the two teams play on an honor system. Each team should provide one person to keep time and score. TIME A game of Ultimate lasts for 48 minutes of playing time, divided into two 24-minute halves. Halftime lasts for ten minutes. The clock starts after every throw-off when the receiving team touches the disc. The clock stops after every goal, at the end of each period of play, for time-outs, injuries, fouls and when the disc goes out-of-bounds. The clock starts when the disc is thrown in-bounds or when both teams are ready to resume, and play continues at the location of the disc when the play is stopped. Each team is permitted 3 time-outs per half and one per overtime period, each lasting 2 minutes. Time-out may be called by either team after a goal and before the ensuing throw-off. A team must be in possession of the disc in order to call a time-out during play. In the event of a tie at the end of regulation time, there will be an overtime period lasting 5 minutes. The captains flip a coin to determine which team will throw-off. If there is no winner at the end of this period, overtimes are continued until the tie is broken at the end of one period. THROWOFF Play begins with the throw-off. The captains flip a coin to determine which team will throw or receive, or choice of goal. The teams shall alternate throw-offs at the beginning of each period. All players must be on or behind their own goal line until the disc is released. Both teams must stand on their own goal lines without changing relative position. A player on the goal line throws the disc toward the other team. As soon as the disc is released, all players may cross the goal lines. No player on the throwing team may touch the disc in the air before it is touched by a member of the receiving team. The receiving team may catch the disc or allow it to fall untouched to the ground. If a member of the receiving team successfully catches the throw-off, that player has possession at that point. If the receiving team touches the disc and fails to catch it, the team which threw off gains possession of the disc where it is stopped. If the disc is allowed to fall untouched to the ground, the receiving team has possession where it is stopped. If the disc goes out-of-bounds (endline and/or sideline), the receiving team makes the immediate decision of: 1) Having the disc thrown-off again; 2) Gaining possession at the point the disc went out-of-bounds; or 3) if the disc goes out-of-bounds after crossing the goal line, the receiving team may elect to take possession on the goal line at the nearest corner. Each time a goal is scored, the teams switch direction of their attack, and the team which scored throws-off on the signal of the receiving team. ENDZONES Any time a team gains possession in the endzone which they are defending, the player immediately chooses to resume play where the disc is stopped, or at the goal line. A player may carry the disc up to the goal line provided he/she approaches it perpendicularly. The disc may not be passed as the player approaches the line. If a team gains possession in the endzone which it is attacking, the disc is carried perpendicularly to the goal line, and play resumes immediately from the goal line. THE PLAY The team which has possession of the disc must attempt to move the disc into position so that they may score a goal. The disc may be propelled in any way the player wishes. The disc may never be handed from player to player. In order for the disc to go from one player to another, it must at some time be in the air. No player may walk, run, or take steps while in possession of the disc. The momentum of the receiver, however, must be taken into consideration. Should a player take steps obviously not required to stop a foul is called. The player in possession may pivot on one foot as in basketball. The pivot foot may not be changed by the thrower. If the pivot foot is changed, a foul is called. Only one player may guard the person in possession of the disc. The disc may not be wrenched from the grasp of an opposing player or knocked from any player's hand. If the disc is dropped by the thrower (sic) without interference by a defender, a turnover results. If the disc is simultaneously caught, offense retains possession. The defensive team gains possession whenever the offesnive team's pass is incomplete, intercepted, knocked down, or goes out-of-bounds. A rolling or sliding disc may be stopped by any player, but may not be advanced in any direction. After the disc is stopped, no defensive player may touch it. Possession is gained at the point where the disc is stopped. Any member of the team gaining possession of the disc may throw it. A player may catch his/her own throw only if the disc has been touched by another player during its flight. Bobbling to gain control is permitted, but tipping to oneself is not allowed. FOULS A throwing foul is called only by the player fouled. The thrower may not push the defender back in order to throw. Any physical contact during the throw is a foul against the defender. Contact occuring after the release of the disc is not sufficient grounds for a foul. If the pass is completed, the foul is automatically declined and play proceeds without stopping. Players must play the disc, not the opponent. That is, they may not position themselves or move for the purpose of impeding other players. To do so is a foul. In playing the disc, players must respect the established positions of others. Low momentum contact during and after the catching attempt is often unavoidable and is not a foul. Violent impact with legitimately positioned opponents constitutes harmful endangerment, is a foul, and must be strictly avoided. The player who is fouled calls "foul", play stops, and the player gains possession at the point of the infraction. For a momentum or pivoting foul, play stops, a check of the disc occurs, but possession is retained by the thrower. Play continues when both teams are ready. Should a foul occur in the endzone, possession is gained at the goal line. A stalling violation occurs when the player guarding the thrower calls out "stalling" and counts aloud 15 seconds. If the disc has not been released at the end of the count, it is turned over to the defense at that point. SCORING A goal is scored when an offensive player lands in bounds with any part of both feet in the endzone after receiving a pass from a teammate. The goal line is not considered part of the endzone. A player in possession may not score by running into the endzone. The team that scores receives one point. SUBSTITUTIONS Substitutions can be made only: 1) after a goal and before the ensuing throw-off; 2) to replace an injured player; or 3) after periods of play. Substitutions cannot be made during a timeout. CLARIFYING STATEMENTS * There are no scrimmage lines or offsides in Ultimate. * The disc may be passed in any direction; forward, to the sides or backwards. * The term "when both teams are ready" implies that the defensive team will hold the disc until the defense is ready, and then hands the disc to the thrower, thus restarting the clock. It should be common practice that the offensive team finds a position then remains stationary until the disc is given to the thrower. * The disc may fly out-of-bounds and return to the playing field. The defense may attempt to knock the disc down when the disc is out-of-bounds. * The stalling call should be initiated only when it becomes obvious that a stall is occuring. VARIATIONS Before the opening throw-off, the captains may agree on any additional ground rules necessary. The number of players, size of field, model of disc, and length of game can be adapted. HISTORY Ultimate was developed by Joel Silver and the late Buzzy Hellring in 1968 at Columbia High School in Maplewood, New Jersey. The sport was spread to other high schools and the New Jersey Conference was formed. Rutgers and Princeton played the first intercollegiate game on November 6, 1972. For additional information in forming your own Ultimate teams, names of other teams in your area, or additional copies of the rules, write to: International Frisbee Association, PO Box 970, San Gabriel, California 91776. c CHS VARSITY TEAM (Richard Denburg, Irvin Kalb and Joel Silver) 1971, 1976, 1978 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Approval by the International Frisbee Association Ultimate Players Committee. Printed in the USA |