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Grandpa Spaine

After searching online I found 19 patents issued to my grandfather, an engineer for Singer Sewing Machines. He was an engineer who developed among the first button-holer, as well as several other devices. His last invention, the baseball sewing machine, was never patented because Singer decided it was cheaper to have Haitians do them by hand.

Andy now has 2 books. 13+ years of columns and information about the books is at andy.young-0.com
Uncle Peter recently discovered and sent me the papers from one of the hoaxes he did with Dad, the Mushrooms of Zanzibar. I scanned them, transcribed them, and made them available here for family or anyone else interested.

And here is another one he found and I got online:
The Great Abominable Snowman Hunt

My book may not sell as well but the pictures are better
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